Fly Out

In every class there is a special emphasis on meditation and relaxation. 

Learn a variety of meditation techniques that will help you to connect to your center, become more mindful in daily life and aware of your true feelings and needs. From body scans to guided visualizations, breathing techniques and energy work, mantras, affirmations and Yoga Nidra  - all to recover and to help you to connect deeper with yourself and to the existence. 

Fly for the thrill of it

Imagine you can fly. Aerial Yoga does make it possible – and that for all of us! No matter what age, what size, what prior artistic experience! The hammock becomes our partner that holds us with ease. Suddenly you will find yourself upside down – and all what it took existed only in your mind. Come and melt your boundaries of imagination!

Aerial Yoga for Confidence

Aerial Yoga is triggering you to leave your comfort zone and that in a fun way. I t is all about letting go and trust. This experience is reflecting back on you giving you more strength and confidence in daily life. 

On a physical level, if you are trying to lose weight, Aerial Yoga is a great way to shed those stubborn pounds.  For all the couch potatoes out there, Aerial Yoga is a more fun and engaging way to workout!

And don’t worry about your size! Aerial Yoga actually makes it possible for people with more gold around their hips to finally practice Yoga without suffering and get into all the Asanas with ease!


Come in and Fly out 

Mind-body activities can reduce stress, and Aerial Yoga is no exception! The classes end with you lying in Savasana, cocooned in a hammock as you gently swing from side to side. Talk about blissing out!