Become the Best Version of Yourself!

Come with us on a Vision Dance journey deep into your inner landscape. Reconnect to hidden pieces of yourself and powers you did not even know that they existed in you.

This dance meditation offers you to dive deep into your emotions and transform your fears, worries, anger and depressed feelings into trust, joy and love.

Join us in this Unio Mystica experience, in which your duality disappears and you become ONE with the Whole. You will discover how to dissolve and melt into the dance to reconnect with the existence to truly feel alive.

This mystical voyage holds the power to transform and protect you, embrace you, and by and by to become the best version of yourself💫

Embody your Vision

Every class is dedicated to different themes. We connect to the power of the earth and to the wide space of the existence. We dance through different visions, archetypes and elements, we travel into the underworld and upper world, we move through time and space to shine as bright as the stars. We express our emotions, transcend them and let them flow to reconnect to our pure being. 

Upcoming Workshops


THURSDAY, 27 APRIL, 2023 AT 6:30 PM – 11 PM

Feel with all your senses

I highly encourage you to wear a blindfold once you are familiar with the Exercises. Being blind opens up all your other senses and allows you to really tune into the subtle world of energies. This experience is going to take you to a whole new level.

1 Hour 30 Minutes @ €17.00 Every Second Tuesday At 20 PM @UHU

Private Sessions

Shamanic Healing & Prana Healing

Shamanic Healing Can Help You To Overcome Your Depression, Anxiety, Fear And Overthinking. Shamanic Healing Can Help You To Reduce Stress, To Have A Better Memory, Gain Clarity And Motivation. Minor Illnesses Such As Coughs And Colds Can Usually Be Alleviated In A Day. Major Illnesses Such As Liver, Kidney, And Heart Problems Can Be Partially Or Substantially Relieved Through Regular Healing Sessions.

Overall, You Will Gain More Energy And Stamina And A Stronger Immune System. In One Session You Will Feel Like Being Born Again.

Spiritual Coaching

Holistic Approach

Sometimes we need some support from outside to get a clear view in taking decisions in life, family matters or health issues. Through a holistic coaching approach, we uncover energy suckers that blur your thoughts and are holding you back to go forward. We reset your mindset and reprogram your habits by using different techniques like affirmations, meditations, visualisations, shamanic journeys, work with archetypes and ancestors, family constellations and rituals.

Tarot readings can be a part of the spiritual coaching if requested.